Coffee With a Canine: Sejal Badani & Skyler


By: @ZeringueMarshal

Who is in the photo at right?
My Teacup Morkie, Skyler. She's nearly 7 years old and the baby of the house.

What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine?
Skyler sits at my feet while I write, so naturally when I head out she assumes we're in it together.

What's brewing?
Venti Decaf Soy Cappuccino. I live on them.

Any treats for you or Skyler on this occasion?
I always take a treat with me for Skyler. She has a sensitive stomach so anything random that goes in I'm paying for later.

How were you and Skyler united?
She is really my daughter's dog but we're keeping it between Skyler and me that her loyalties have shifted.